Five Important Points to Ponder
1. Look for Inspiration - The things that we enjoy on an everyday basis can often inspire us to create something in a new, innovative way. Find ways to incorporate "regular" items into a design you're working on.2. Find Your Way to Success - Failure is not an end! Keep trying and make adjustments until it works.
3. Think Outside the Box - While instructions can be a helpful guide, some of the most creative innovations are generated by stepping away from the directions. If you can think of a different way to be successful, follow a different plan.
4. Be Proud of Being Different - Just because your creation doesn't look like everyone else's doesn't mean it isn't fantastic. Invest in your own ideas and stand behind them.
5. Create Bravely - Taking risks can be scary, but can often lead to exciting results. Be willing to take a chance and watch it pay off.
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