Family Connect

Monday, September 8, 2014

How important is innovation? Martinsville-Henry County's new Innovate MHC program and Henry County Public Schools' staff read Creating Innovators: The Making of Young People Who Will Change the World (by Dr. Tony Wagoner) assert that innovation is the foundation for progress and success. Wagoner feels that "our country has produced innovators more by accident than by design" and that we, as parents, should develop the talents and encourage the aspirations of our children.

So what would it mean if we were to intentionally develop the entrepreneurial and innovative talents of all young people - to nurture their initiative, curiosity, imagination, creativity, and collaborative skills, as well as their analytical abilities - along with essential qualities of character such as persistence, empathy, and a strong moral foundation? (Wagoner)

Where do we start?

Five Things Adults Can Do to Encourage Innovative Children

1. Encourage Play: Children naturally know how to play and typically enjoy playing. Adults can encourage children to play creatively and devise their own entertainment.
2. Encourage Passion: Children are naturally excited about the things they love. Adults can encourage children to explore their passions and develop their interests.
3. Encourage Purpose: Children often develop a sense of purpose, or desire to "make a difference," on their own. Adults can help devise methods for children to carry out their personal purpose(s) within the community.
4. Encourage Practice: Children need time to explore, experiment, and discover methods for carrying out their ideas. Adults can manage schedules in a manner that allows children to play and pursue their passions.
5. Encourage Possibilities (risk taking): Children often mirror the mannerisms of those around them. Adults can demonstrate the acceptability of exploring possibilities and taking risks - and talk about what they learn from both successes and failures.

Interested in learning more? Talk with your child's teacher about his/her staff read and about sharing Creating Innovators with your parent group!

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