Family Connect

Monday, July 21, 2014

Five Ways to Think Like a Child

As we savor the last few weeks of summer before returning to the routine of school and activities, authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner encourage us to "hang on" to some childlike behaviors:

1. Have Fun. Enjoy the remaining days of summer. Play games, marvel at nature, eat something that is quintessentially summer (when was the last time you enjoyed a popsicle or s'mores?).
2. Think Small. Point your attention to the moment rather than the entire To Do list.
3. Don't Fear the Obvious. Allow yourself to be "fooled" by magic tricks...enjoy a riddle or puzzle...don't over-analyze.
4. Be Curious. Why DO lightening bugs light up? Don't just Google it, talk about it with the children around you. Explore the possibilities (real and imagined) before defining the answer to a question.
5. Don't Buy Into Dogma. Allow your assumptions and expectations to be wrong and enjoy the discovery of something unexpected.

Retrain your brain - read Levitt & Dubner's Think Like a Freak.

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